Tuesday, February 21, 2012

{Seniors} Morgan, Rachel & Hadley

Let's start with Morgan, shall we?  She's a senior at Cooper High School who very smartly offered to swap babysitting services for a few senior pics in her cheer uniform.  I attempted an in-home "studio" for the first time and got only a couple usable shots out of it, but it was fun trying.  Then we headed outside where Morgan had to work for her pictures!


I asked Morgan to bring a friend since it would be more fun and get more relaxed and natural photos as a result.  Plus, I can make them hold my stuff. :)  So Morgan brought Rachel, and within a week I had another senior client!  We took all these within one block in downtown Abilene and finished off with Rachel holding her letter of acceptance from Texas A&M.  Congratulations!

Then comes Hadley, who served as my assistant extraordinaire for Rachel's shoot.  Turns out she goes to my church and we had about 20 Facebook friends in common.  She looked so cute I had to take some pictures of her, too!

Geez, of the 100+ pics to choose from I decided to post these...apparently I'm a fan of framing to the left!

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