Sunday, November 28, 2010

A rookie on the sidelines

Abilene High School and Cooper High School completed their 2010 football seasons on Saturday with games at Cowboys Stadium. Neither advanced any further in the playoffs, but we are super proud of both for making it that far. Here are a few moments from both games.

P.S. I had no idea what I was doing down there on the sidelines. I was much more comfortable up in the press box drinking the complimentary Pepsi.
Morgan and Tatiana are two of my students from last year. Now they're juniors. *Tear!
One of these days I'll get a good picture of a good play. For now, we settle for one or the other.
Those were Cooper. These are Abilene High. I found the double header exhausting! Maybe in a smaller stadium...
Mr. Play-by-Play, David Bacon. Abilene is lucky to have him!

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