Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If you love checking the mail say "heyyyy"

Checking the mail is like dessert. And I'm not ashamed to say I use it as an incentive for myself.

"Yes, you can have a cookie if you finish all your chicken."

"Yes, you can get the mail if you mow the lawn first."

Needless to say I was thrilled when I got a FedEx sticker telling me my iPhone replacement was ready to be picked up.

So was Bossier. He got to ride. (Yes I know I could have just left my signature on the door, but remember? I love going to get the mail. Even if that means driving to the airport.)

Don't get me wrong -- it doesn't have to be something big. A save the date card will do. Heck, I'll tear into a Texas Rangers schedule magnet with my realtor's business card glued to it.

But this... this was the most exciting mail I've gotten in a long time.

The huzz finally got a new passport!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Most Boring Post Ever

I haven't been very creative lately. Right now I'm busy working on a video/slide show for my Confirmation class and another top secret video for this summer's Mariapolis retreat (top secret is actually a hint). So I guess maybe I've been creative in a sitting-in-front-of-the-computer-so-who-cares kind of way.

So, just for fun, here's a pretty, pretty Pier 1 pillow that I wish I'd been the one to design and sew and ridiculously overprice.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Dapper Jack

Doesn't he look so cute in this little getup? Either he doesn't care that the inside looks like a mess or he's over it.