Monday, March 8, 2010

Still crazy after all these years

I heard three Paul Simon songs yesterday. What a great day.

Anyway, this blog post is a tribute to my gals whom I got to know exactly 10 years ago in Kerr Hall. MT and I were randomly paired together as roommates and ES was our friend with the undesirable room on the first floor. I kid. But it was kind of to spend your 18th year of life. The 5th floor was just so much more awesomer.
MT hosted us for the weekend, which included a delicious hearty dinner followed by Late Night Speed Scrabble, dessert, an early-morning race at the Cowtwon 5K, coffee, dessert, relaxing, dessert, dinner at an amazing restaurant, dessert, and 5 minutes with a cute little 5-month-old munchkin. Oh yeah, and dessert!Oh, and we tried to take pictures of ourselves. Hm... One of us is taller than the rest.
So thanks, ladies for an awesome weekend. Just wish we could have 10 years' less responsibility so we could spend more than 30 hours together!

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