Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Call me strange...

Nearly every time I walk into the ladies' bathroom at work I get these Ke$ha lyrics stuck in my head:

I've got a sick obsession / I'm seein' it in my dreams

Why?  Because I have a sick obsession with this amazing piece of furniture sitting in the two-stall bathroom.  It's filthy – covered in dust (and who knows what else) but it's so beautiful!

It would be perfect in a hallway or even as a small sofa table, because it's only about 10 inches wide.  I do have enough personal restraint that I have not measured it.  I did open the doors (by pulling on the mismatched hardware, mind you) to see what kind of storage it offers, and my oh my do I regret that decision.  Let me tell you, Ke$ha probably has some creative lyrics about that kind of pot o' gold, too.  Not only does it seem that someone was tired of wearing her undergarment, it seems she decided to store it in the public bathroom for safe keeping.  I think I also spotted some hygiene products that aren't even in production any more.

But, moving past the Ugly of this Ugly Duckling...here's how I imagine it blossoming into a beautiful swan!  Can't you just imagine?  I can.  Remember, I'm seein' it in my dreams.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Four Generations

My brother and I headed down to Austin on Saturday for the baptism of our cousin's new baby.  I took a bunch of pictures, and this is my favorite! 
It was great to spend time with a big chunk of our family and to meet Baby Girl for the first time!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Baby talk

We're not quiiiiite ready to post it on Facebook yet, which is the only true way to make something "public knowledge" these days, but
... drumroll please ...

We're in the process of adopting a baby!  We received our approval at the end of December and are sitting back and waiting to be matched with a birth mother.  Once that happens, we'll most likely bring a baby home from the hospital within the next, oh, 18 months or so.  There are other ways it could play out, but that's generally how it works.  And hopefully our baby's birth mom remains in our lives and will be there to show little Kellerkid that he or she is doubly loved!

Did you know that if you Google "baby,"
Justin Beiber is the first thing that pops up?  Never mind. 
You can follow our adoption journey at thekellermanfamily.blogspot.com.  And if you know anyone who is around people who would may be considering adoption (priests, high school counselors, etc.) please send them the link.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dilemma schmilemma

I would just like to say that I blogged about spilled wax the day before Nate Berkus, thankyouverymuch!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wax on, wax off

This is my little tutorial (and long story) on removing spilled wax from tables, tablecloths, carpets, etc.

♫ Let's start at the very beginning – a very good place to start ♫

We hosted our friends from work for a belated office Christmas party last night. The January party idea actually works very well, as people have a lot less commitments and the timing is perfect for a Christmas re-gift exchange!  (Anybody in the market for a ceramic cat dish?  No?)
Before the guests arrived I grabbed my camera to document all the festive details to post on this here bliggity blog, but I only got one shot before the first wave of people came. It's not even in focus, darnit. I couldn't very well be like, "Can you please stand by the door while I photograph my home?"
(By the way, the TV was playing photos and videos from the past year, not, you know, ESPN.)

Here's one of the cute decorations I was proud of.  I took scrapbook paper and wrapped it around mismatched candles with raffia and scattered them on the tables.  If you squint, you might be able to see in the above photo the scrapbook paper-turned-placemats.  It was very cute, F yer I.
So at the end of the night, my friend went around blowing out the candles, and I went around collecting them.  This one was still hot, and wax flew all over the tablecloth (which was really a $4 white bed sheet from Walmart).
So here's what you do to get it off, before putting it in the washing machine.  First, pick or scrape off as much wax as possible and remove all the loose pieces.
Then, cover the waxy area with a paper towel both on top of the cloth and on bottom.  Otherwise you'll end up with wax soaking through to the ironing board.  What me?  No, I didn't do that.
Cover the paper towel with a dish towel, or just iron directly on the paper towel if you've had all your coffee.
You'll notice the wax start to come off onto the paper towel.  Continue doing this until you feel like you've gotten off everything you can.
This is how my twin-sized flat sheet tablecloth looked when I was finished.  Better!  We'll see if the ol' washing machine can finish the job.
Now, if you've spilled colored wax, well, Kellerwoman can't help you there.  But I'll hold your hand while you cry.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mom, meet my new love interest...

We met each other online last night. I was bold enough to ask for his measurements, and he confided that he's been lonely in his storage unit for the last few years.

Sewing Machine Cabinet and I plan to meet in person soon. I'm nervous, but excited!

I've been telling the girls in my church's youth group that it's bad news to expect your boyfriend to change. You should be with someone for who they are today, not for who they'll be tomorrow.

Do as I say, not as I do, girls. Because I don't love SMC for who he is today.

But his new-hardware, re-covered (or pleated-slip-covered? ooh la la!), possibly-painted future is looking bright!

Think the ex will mind?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Remember last year when...

The house was squeaky, scrubbed, glammed and glowing?

And we laughed and sang carols with our family and friends?

When we tried 'em out in other linguas?

And the shutter caught the poppin' top?

When the sons threw in the white towel and it paid off?

Remember when we fell in love all over again?

When Chris gave me the evil eye?

And the newlyweds got mushy?

When Shellie and Izzy put on a fashion show?

The boys were back in town?
And Brayden got a new helicopter?

Remember when I had less than two hours to giggle with my gals?

And we got news that was so exciting AK actually agreed to set up the tripod and capture the moment?

Sam, Alex and gang rode into Dallas?

And the Trouble Twins jumped for joy when they saw me?

When mom and her sisters got sent to time out?

And Sam stood still long enough for this beauty?

Remember when Maria smiled so pretty?

And Franny showed off her new beautiful smile?

We took a trip to outer space?

And Alex crowned himself King of Sorry?

Remember when Gabe rang in the new year with his massive muscles?

What an amazing end to 2010!